2023 Mount Hood Camp Session-1 Day 7


July 3 2023

Day 7 at Mount Hood!

Athlete Diary: Written by Rufino, Regan & Amelia


I had a great day today. It was the first day of SL and getting on the magic mile was an extra challenge for me. But overall I had an awesome day the course was really good and fun. First day of SL and it was amazing.

Regan and Ameila,

Today marked the first day of slalom training. There were multiple course sets that helped develop and reconstruct our basic slalom ability. The weather was warm and it was very nice, and overall a great day to ski. The first drill was called picket fence and we basically did hop turns around the brushes. The second course consisted of 2 brush gates in which we were told to go around. The third was a double stubbie gate course and the final course was a dual panel slalom. All in all, it was a great day to ski!

To check out today’s photos, go to: https://uselite.smugmug.com/


Check out the photos from the day in our gallery!

David Edry