2023 Mount Hood Camp Session-1 Day 3


June 29 2023

Day 3 at Mount Hood!

Athlete Diary: Written by Aubrey & Etta

This is Aubrey. My day at camp was eventful. For the third day of skiing, waking up was harder and coming down from the mountain was more exhausting. The U14 hiking group was taken the long way because Paul took a wrong turn, and we had so much more fun. After our meeting going over the activities for tomorrow and so on, the campers that brought phones or apple watches got them back. The rest of our down time was the usual tuning/waxing, showering, and playing games. 

   This is Etta. My day at camp was enjoyable and tiring, from rolling out of bed in the morning to speeding down Mount Hood. Our afternoon activity, hiking, had a special surprise. The U12 hikers had a puppy with them! The daily meeting was after dinner where we got our phones, ipads, etc back after being taken away, the video review was half focusing on the video while the other half was looking at our phones. Now I am here writing this camp blog, bye!!!


Etta & Aubrey

To check out today’s photos, go to: https://uselite.smugmug.com/

Best day yet!


Check out the photos from the day in our gallery!

David Edry